FT4 Sprint Contest

If you’re interested in participating in the bleeding edge of FT4 contesting, the Northern California Contest Club is sponsoring an HF sprint on Thursday evenings.  The exchange is different than you may be used to, but the theoretical maximum QSO rate can be up to 480 QSOs per hour!  If you get the National Contest Journal, there’s a good article explaining this technique starting on Page 27 of the Sep-Oct 2023 issue.  If you get QST or other ARRL publications online, the link is: https://edition.pagesuite.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pnum=29&edid=a6b6079a-6a5a-4b18-becb-10217068a65b&isshared=true.

There’s also a brief introduction here:  https://www.ncccsprint.com/ft4ns.html

Steve, K0GUZ