RFI Cured! Zoom Thursday July 27 7:30 MDT

We are fortunate to have many skilled and talented members in our ranks.  It’s my hope that we can tap into their expertise with presentations of interest to all Colorado contesters.

First up is Alan Higbie,  K0AV, with a polished presentation on  HUNTING RFI.  Alan’s QTH is a typical urban lot,  with above ground power lines, neighbors with solar panels, and all kinds of potential noise sources both in his house and the surrounding area.

Instead of abandoning HF contesting,  Alan chose to become skilled at playing “wack a mole” and an expert at tracking down nagging RFI sources one by one.   His disciplined approach has led to success finding and curing his RFI.    

Please log in to this premier ZOOM presentation Thursday evening and hear Alan’s success story.    


The meeting will start with brief introductions and move quickly to Alan’s presentation.   There are no business items on the agenda but there will be time to ask questions and share member activities after the presentation.